Bubbles, water features and wave sessions!
Temperature: 32 degrees
Min depth: Zero depth entry
Saturday and Sunday morning - only shallow section of the Wave Pool is available for public swimming due to swim lessons. The whole Wave Pool opens to the public from 10.30am onwards.
IMPORTANT: Children under 10 MUST be accompanied by an adult, within arms reach whilst waves are in operation.
Wave Session Times - approx 5 mins per session
We endeavour to run the wave sessions on time as much as possible but some sessions may not run due to extenuating circumstances.
Monday to Friday
Public Holidays
Please note we DO NOT allow the use of mermaid tails in the facility due to the high risk nature of this activity.
Indoor 50m pool with a movable boom, creating 2 x 25m pools with 16 lanes.
Temperature: 28-29 degrees
Min depth: 1.0m
Max depth: 2.0m
Click here for our Lap Lane Availability and see how many lap lanes are available for public use throughout the day.
This pool is heated to 32 degrees all year round and is specifically used for our Learn to Swim programs, providing a safe and secure environment for your child to learn and develop their swimming skills and techniques.
Temperature: 32 degrees
Min depth: 0.6m
Max depth: 0.9m
Saturday and Sunday morning - Learners Pool is unavailable to the public on weekends from 8.00-12.30pm due to our swim lesson program.
Waves Leisure Centre features spa, sauna and steam room facilities, which are a great place to relax and unwind or recover from your lap swimming.
Spa temperature: 37.5 degrees
Sauna* temperature: 80 degrees
Steam* room temperature: 45 degrees
Remember for your health & safety, when in the sauna and steam room:
* IMPORTANT - On days of extreme heat, the sauna and steam room will be closed when the otside temperature reaches 36-37 degrees. Your body temperature does not have a chance to regulate on hot days, once you leave these facilities and this becomes a health and saefty concern.
Facilities for people with additional needs
Water safety is about your supervision and building water confidence in your children.
Kingston’s Leisure Centres and PLAY IT SAFE believe that it is vital that children are taught to behave safely in and around water from an early age.
Click here to find out about our Learn to Swim programs, it’s never too early or too late to learn to swim.